Thursday, March 08, 2007


Social Security is Stupid

So I was listening to Dave Ramsey and he gave an illustration to a leftie about why he thinks Social Security is stupid. I'm looking at the wall in my office, and it shows the minimum wage as $5.15/hr. That is $206/week. Social security, between the employee "contribution" and the employer "contribution" (in quotes because it is not voluntary in any way) is about 15% going to the Federal Govt. That's basically $30/week. That comes to an average of $134/month.

Now let's put that $134/month into a mutual fund in a Roth IRA at 10%/year average return. Let's also assume that our employee is an incredible loser and never gets a raise. What is $134/month at 10% from age 20 to age 65? Only $1.4 MILLION. If you took 8% out to live on each year, our "loser" would be living on $112,000 per year, forever, and would have 1.4 million to leave to his heirs.

My mother in law gets Social Security and lives on, shall we say, a small fraction of $112,000.

You can get 10% in an index fund! Boring, boring.

That's why Social Security is stupid.
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