Monday, December 27, 2004


War coverage by press and blogs

Unless you are totally indoctrinated, it's fairly obvious that press coverage of the war in Iraq is, shall we say, slanted. Here is a nice example. A terrorist walks into a tent and detonates himself, killing and wounding Americans. The doctors, nurses, and other Americans and Iraqi's work themselves to exhaustion helping their fellows. The army sends out a press release about the heroics of our docs and almost nobody picks it up...not interested.

It's hard not to ask questions like, "what does our press WANT to happen in Iraq?" I think, frankly, that a significant number of them want Iraq to fall back into chaos or totalitarianism. Bush being proven right is so abhorrent to some of them that they would be willing to have women enslaved again, children killed in front of their parents, and "insurgents" (why don't they EVER call them "terrorists?") ruling the streets.

Here's another question. What have you heard from Afganistan? Remember them? They had national elections a couple of years after the Taliban butchers were running things? The Taliban that forced women to walk around in tents with slits for their eyes? The Taliban that destroyed irreplaceable works of Buddhist art? There should have been feminists cheering in the streets. There should have been big coverage of the first elections in that war-ravaged country's history. But, that might have made Bush look good, you know, and that's really the only important factor...

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