Monday, October 04, 2004


Today's blogging activity

Today I went around the Blogs. Like usual, I started with Hugh Hewitt. He thinks that Kerry sank his candidacy with several misstatements that will come back to haunt him. Interesting. Also he mentions that 73% of American troops supported Bush in a recent poll and that an ABC Tracking poll shows no change in Bush v Kerry. The polls are chaotic this year and I don't really know (or frankly care much) what do make of it. Since when did what everyone else thinks matter to how I should vote? If it DOES matter, I don't deserve to vote.

So next stop Powerline. These three lawyers write well (and more important short). They are conservative but they investigate stories. First stop, Sunni Triangle victories. Hopefully more soon. Next, repeat of Military poll. Then an interesting one, "cybercast news service" claims to have documents confirming Saddam Hussein had al Qaeda connections and bad weapons. Breaking. Commentary ongoing at bottom, various blogs who agree and disagree. Can't get any disagreement on ABC...

the discussion led to an interesting blog called MuD and PHuD. Since I happen to have an MD and a PhD, and we used to call ourselves MudPhuds back at Mr. Duke's, this seemed too good to be true. Sure enough, it is an interesting blog. One area I lingered over was a debate about Intelligent Design theory vs. Evolutionary theory. Something a lot of people put a lot of heat and not much light into, I'm afraid. As a Christian I think my major duty is to my God and my neighbor, not to discerning what might or might not have happened millions to billions of years ago!

Then on to another link from the MudPhud, called JunkYardBlog of all things. I think I need a better name for mine. This one claims that the Dems this year have "poisoned the well" and made it impossible for anyone to do anything to defend the US for years. Hm. Difficult. I don't want anyone to feel they can't speak freely (that First Amendment thing) but some talk frankly is destructive and dangerous.

I was just reading an interesting book, Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton, written about 1907. In it he addresses just the current controversy! There is no new thing under the sun, indeed.

"A man who says that no patriot should attack the Boer War until it is over is not worth answering intelligently; he is saying that no good son should warn his mother off a cliff until she has fallen over it. But there is an anti-patriot who honestly angers honest men...the man who says, 'I am sorry to say we are ruined,' and is not sorry at all...granted that he states only facts, it is still essential to know what are his emotions, what is his motive..." (Orthodoxy, chapter V, "The Flag of the World", by G. K. Chesterton. Page 74 of the Ignatius Press edition.

And there's the rub. Are people who attack the Iraq war truly concerned or are they only using the attacks to gain political power? What is their motive...

Well, day is done, gone the sun...until later.

Thanks for the kind words and the link =).

Since I couldn't find your email address on your blog I thought I'd get in touch with you this way. I was wondering if you might be interested in joining a loose association I started a while back called Homespun Bloggers. Check us out here:

and let me know what you think.

Oh, and as for the Evolution debate I would only say that the argument is important because if the ID types are not answered they will inject a certain (and dangerous) we-can't-possibly-know-so-why-bother attitude that can only hurt the pursuit of knowledge.
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