Sunday, October 24, 2004


North Carolina tort "reform"

Tort reform is a big issue in North Carolina. Attempts to introduce medical liability reform legislation patterned after the MICRA legislation in California resulted in bills being tabled and subsequently killed. Following this there was a truly awful bill introduced, no doubt under the direction of the trial lawyers association, that fortunately did not pass that would have meant the end of liability insurance in the state. The trial lawyers in NC have a very successful lobby and donate heavily to political campaigns in the state, and they have a history of considerable success - witness John Edwards. Our local OB/GYNs have been very proactive in this election by doing such things as meeting with the individual local representatives to make their needs and concerns known and then going into the community and doing such things as meeting for lunch with the local cosmetologists and discussing the future impact on women's healthcare if changes are not made - a very ingenious way to let every woman in the community in on the problem. It has become very clear that change here is going to take individual, personal, involvement both financially and by investment of time.
from an anonymous N.C. physician.

Does anybody have any experience with these North Carolina Lawyers ?
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