Saturday, October 23, 2004


(long post) Email exchange between two college students

Here in its entirety is an email conversation sent to me by a college student. She is tired of being accused of being stupid and warmongering because she supports W.

Alright, XXX
1. There is not one aspect of W's administration that has not been magnified
and portrayed in the worst possible light by the liberal media.
2. The military does not want a draft. They like having professional soldiers,
and as the commander-in-chief of our military George W. Bush does not want an
inefficient, poorly-trained army.
3. Republicans do not want a draft: Vietnam: Johnson, Democrat. Korea: Truman,
Democrat. WWII: Roosevelt, Democrat. WWI; Wilson, Democrat.
4. Democrats started these rumors to scare college kids. Democrats introduced
the Draft bill into the House; Rangel, NY I think, was a sponsor. Republicans
called for a vote; it lost 402-2.
5. We don't need a draft. Large, sweeping wars with tons of manpower on the
ground are a thing of the past. But the liberal media would rather the
American people see the worst possible face on this war. The military is
having no problem meeting recruitment goals, and incidentally military voters
are 3:1 in favor of W.
Keep in mind that we have defeated the 4th-largest standing army in the world
with fewer than 1,000 casualties. The American military does not dispose of
their soldiers lightly. We are very good at staying alive. It took 10 years to
create functioning democracies in Japan and Germany, and we lost tens of
thousands of troops there.
It is a war and soldiers die in wars. It is horrible and no decent human being
on this planet is pro-war, including me and all of those other people you
think are out of their minds for being happy that the President of this
country is protecting our well-being. I also think that it's silly to vote
against someone for something he has not done, has not suggested doing, and
has no reason for doing.
I'm guessing that the RNC "asked Rock the Vote to stop bringing up the draft"
(IF that happeneed, because we tend to respect free speech, even when it's
untrue) because it is a lie. It is a cheap scare tactic intended to make
students think that their lives are on the line when no such thing is even
remotely true. I would not vote for Kerry because my life is on the line, and
I do not think that he would defend our country, YOUR life, and my life, as
well as George W. has.
I completely understand why the rumor of a draft is terrifying to you, as a
college-aged man. I would be terrified too, and my father was terrified when
he was in college and there was a REAL danger of a draft. Understand that our
military has realized that a draft is stupid. This is a horrible, cheap, panic- inducing scare tactic, and I hate that it is putting these thoughts in the
backs of my friend's heads. You shouldn't have to be worried about something
that won't happen.
I hope you know that I respect your opinions, in politics and everything else,
and I hope you feel the same for me and my politics. If there's ever anything
else you want to chat about, just let me know.

> Hey YYY,
> It scared me today when you thought that a draft was out of the realm
> of possibility and that it was just "hype". It's clear that nobody
> wants a draft, whether left or right, democrat or republican. So, it
> stands to reason that neither side wants to talk about it, because
> it's political suicide. Who would vote for a guy who admits that a
> draft may be in the future?
> However, our military is stretched dangerously thin. The threat
> isn't so much just from the Middle East, as it is from other
> threatening areas, like North Korea. We can't maintain our current
> levels if things keep going the way they are. This isn't news...stop-
> loss has been integrated into Army policy since last December. And
> this isn't just effecting like 3 soldiers, like you thought. Try
> 40,000. That's about 1/3 of our tropps in Iraq alone.
> pagename=article&contentId=A36979-2003Dec28&notFound=true
> And recently, the chairman of the RNC sent a "cease-and-desist"
> letter to Rock the Vote, demanding that they stop discussing the
> draft. Why do you think that is? Because people don't like it hear
> it, and it hurts W's administration, who promised the Amercian people
> to have significantly decreased our military involvement by the
> beginning of '04. We had 120,000 troops in Iraq in 2003 -- now we
> have 138,000.
> To get informed, check out this in-depth analysis of the situation,
> filled with tons of verifiable links:

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