Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Tort Reform Requires Majorities

Accuracy in Media reports today on the successes of trial lawyers in bringing suits against, well, everybody. At the end, read the discussion about how John Edwards led a malpractice crisis in North Carolina, resulting in decreased neurosurgery and obstetrics services, and then listen to his speeches on improving access to healthcare.

A West Virginia obstetrician is suing the West Virginia Trial Lawyers Association for recklessly training its members in suing physicians. Interesting reading.

Hugh Hewitt writes this week about the Senate races. Majorities matter, majorities matter, and this year the Democrats must lose for us to get Tort Reform in place. (Also to keep pressure on people who decapitate civilians on videotape...) Give, give, give, you can be certain your friends in the American Trial Lawyers Association are writing $2000 checks to everyone they support.

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