Saturday, August 07, 2004



Welcome to the Half Vast Right Wing Conspiracy! It comes to you from the Rocky Mountains, where we receive email, Blogs, web news, commentary, and anything else we think might be of interest to you. We're still under construction.

Here are some examples of what we may post here. Some of the Swift Boat Veterans have banded together to complete the record on John Kerry's service. A must see. This is a developing story; in short, they claim that John is not fit for command and they claim to include Democrats AND Republicans in their ranks.

Another good source of information is Hugh Hewitt, a radio talk show that's on in Denver from 4-7 on 710 AM, KNUS.

I've been thinking about the Medical Liability crisis (frankly, it's not just Medical, it's throughout the American system.) A few Senators keep stonewalling anything that gets proposed. Anyway, here's my idea (and feel free to send our address anywhere you like.) How about we pick a few Senate races (just a few, so we concentrate our efforts) and donate to the challenger? For example, John Thune is making a run against Tom Daschle. Tom has been a thorn in our side for years. Go to John's site and donate $20 or $50 or whatever you like. Criteria should be that the Senator has participated in filibusters or voted against tort reform, that he/she is running for re-election, and the race is somewhat close. Any other ideas for candidates? If we can help defeat one or two each cycle, the others may get the idea.

If you're conservative AND Christian, a few words. Hugh Hewitt interviewed Dobson on August 4th, and there are a few excerpts on his Blog site. You must vote. You must consider making monetary contributions to candidates that you believe in. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" is for dictatorships; here in the US, we are supposed to all be the government.

Good luck and carry on!

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