Friday, August 20, 2004


Kerry's war record

Where is the Press? There are allegations of lying, exagerating, bizarre behavior in a presidential candidate. He will not hold a press conference. Have reporters become so ideological that they don't mind being played for fools by a candidate who has taken them totally for granted? Do they ever want to have any influence ever again?

We know that a large majority of the staffs of newspapers are Democrats. That's fine, IF they have the integrity to clean up their own party. Allegations that Bush avoided service, was AWOL, etc. flooded the press several months ago, the President released abundant data, and it was all shown to be a big nothing. Bush flew dangerous planes and was available to be called to Vietnam, but just wasn't, and as the war was winding down he eased out of the service. (Has anyone noted that he did just what the young John Kerry wanted, avoided fighting in an "immoral war," didn't go over with all the other bad dudes and commit war crimes?)

And how about the prison abuse scandals? Reporters saturated us with photo after photo of prisoners being degraded. When people were beheaded, though, that got a short couple of days.

So where is the energy to find the truth now?

Press corps, those of us on the right always knew you were biased leftward. You are proving it to everyone else by your incredible inaction.

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